Pop Quiz & Extra Credit

Self Determined Illustration

Project Brief:
Description: Ad poster for VidCon2012
Sender: VidCon, YouTube
Message: Advertise the annual Video Convention, its dates, and it's attendees.
Audience: YouTube viewers, convention goers, and anyone else who's interested.
Purpose/Objective: To get people who are interested to attend and meet their favorite YouTube filmmakers.
Specifications: 11x17 tabloid, show date and place, website, and attendees.

3 Roughs:

I went with the first rough but since this is an Illustration class, there needed to be some form of illustration on it. So, I drew up my own.

I then illustrated the drawings on Adobe Illustrator and replaced the cutouts with the illustrations.

Then Larry thought that the characters should have been right-side up so, I rearranged it.

Narrative Illustration

Project Brief:
Project Description: An animated narrative illustration that tells the revelation scene from Time Crime; a story I'm writing as a web series.
Sender: Time Crime, Marcus, Denzel, Davy, Lucy, and Maggie.
Message: The climatic scene when Marcus realizes the villain is not only his son, but also his grandson.
Audience: SciFi/Comedy, Cops and R-rated fans.
Purpose/Objective: Tell the story of how Marcus' hobby/habit of being a ladies-man can be the very thing that kills him.
Specifications: No less then 6 images/frames in an animated/illustrated video with spoken dialogue.

Thumbnails (storyboard):



I took photos of myself in the poses of the characters so that I could get them right. I cut 9 frames out of the beginning and kinda 3-4 frames out of the end and a frame from somewhere in the middle all to shorten it.
For example:

After taking the pictures, I traced over them. I could have used my iPad to draw over the pictures but because my external hard drive with all my pictures in it was unaccessible at the moment, I didn't want to lose the picture in my iPad. So I tilted my computer screen and traced over the picture with trace paper and a pencil. I then scanned them and digitalized them.

Once I learned I could barrow a drawing pad from the computer lab, I did so and colored the line art.

Then I took them to Photoshop to create the scenes and animate them. I also use Keynotes (the Mac equivalent of PowerPoint) to animate because Photoshop can only do side to side whereas Keynotes can do scale (zoom). After some exporting frustration, I put them all together in iMovie, edited in the text and music. And finally, this morning, I recording voice lines and sfx, threw them in there too, fixed the editing to fit and exported the final.

I know it's not completely to the requirements and I focus more on the story rather than the illustration, but here it is. I planned on having two women help me do the voices of the women in this clip but I ran out of time, so I did the voices myself and altered them. Kinda sounds bad but hell, it's done.

Let me set up the scene:
The year is 2130 and time travel is focused towards police work. Two police officers, Marcus from 1981 and Denzel from 1994, are searching for a man named Davy who's looking to control the world and creating time riffs. Once they have found him, Marcus finds out why time travel and sleeping around with the ladies is not a good combination.
Time Crime 2 snippet: meeting Davy

Energy Drink Newspaper Ad

Illustration Project Brief:
Project Description: Newspaper ad for the ABYX and DAWS Energy Drinks.
Sender: ABYX and DAWS Energy Drinks.
Message: Proteins, Vitamins, Electrolytes, and Potassium for Video Gamers who get tired and are mal-nourished.
Audience: Video Gamers
Purpose/Objective: Nourish people who play video games with the nutrition of healthy food and the energy they need.
Specifications: 11x17 portrait, 120-150 dpi newspaper ad, ABYX The Gamers Energy Drink and DAWS The Gamers Energy Drink.
Design Concept/Thematic Statement: Color palette similar to game relations. Fruity. Thick, scratchy looking lines on logos. 
Word Play/ Mind Diagram:

Design Concept Thumbnails:

Image/Idea/Mood Boards:

Energy Drink Project:
At first I thought about using illustrated versions of the buttons off an Xbox controller
But then decided to change the logo idea into an original drawing of the letters from the buttons and then came up with the idea of doing not only the controller buttons (ABXY), but also the computer gaming buttons/keys (WASD) and flavors.

I came up with 2 ad tight roughs rather than 3:

And here is the final comp:

From Representation to Signifier

Phase 1: Quotidian Object
The first thing I looked for was maybe a computer keyboard and decided to try a vintage 1984 Macintosh keyboard but then I thought that that might not be quotidian enough. So, I thought about maybe what is my everyday object is and I came up with glasses because I wear glasses everyday. And then I also thought about light. Everyone uses light everyday. I couldn't decide between glasses or light so I am going to go with a fluorescent light bulb because without light, there would be nothing.

Phase 2: Illustrate
Using my portable photo studio, I took various pictures of two different types of light bulbs.

I took pictures of a fluorescent bulb.

And just in cause I decided to go with an old style bulb, I took pictures of an old, round 25W bulb. Of course, I don't plan on the bulb being red, that's just the only round bulb I have left in the house.

Phase 3 - 6: Thumbnails


Now I've made a TIME Magazine rough draft. I made it posterized because I thought it had to be illustrated completely.

Now, I went back and instead of posterizing I photo-manipulated a new picture for another TIME Magazine rough.

After a couple more prints, I finally finished this project with this.